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Coach-a-Coach Program

Your Investment:

€1500 for 2 months


This deep 1-on-1 coaching package is designed to create real and lasting change.


Together, we will shift through your beliefs and conditioning to help you see more and more of your true nature.


Our work together will focus on halting the activity of the ego so that you will show up more spontaneously and naturally in any area of your life.


3 Month 1-on-1 

Coaching Package

Your Investment:
€1,200 for 3 months

12 Month 1-on-1 Coaching Intensive

Your Investment:
€4,000 for 12 months

This is the ultimate coaching package I offer.


Working together for 12 months will allow us to halt the last refuge of the ego and unleash a lasting sense of well-being, presence, and performance.


Our focus will be on non-doing, which is our natural state when we stop interfering with our true nature.



I will mentor and help you create a thriving, prosperous, and highly impactful coaching program by helping you discover you own truth, wisdom, and voice.


Rather than give you strategies and off the shelf advice, my sole focus is on helping you create a thriving practice that feels and looks uniquely like you.


My mission is to help those who have lost their way, their sense of curiosity and play, or the clarity of mind to know what to do next.


Through 1-on-1 coaching, I will help you see past your conditioning and go straight to the source of your experience, the true teacher of transformation.


This is where truly impactful answers are found. It is only by recognizing the deeper truth of our nature that true transformation - the sense of freedom, peace, happiness and love that you have always longed for - can unfold.


If you choose to embark on this journey, what you will eventually discover that the transformation is simply a process of becoming even more that which you always were.


The effect of transformative coaching is commonly a spontaneous and effortless presence to experience everything life has to offer instead of continuing to chase happiness and peace of mind through a variety of pursuits.


A whole new experience of life awaits within you.


Thanks for your inquiry,

I will get back to you soon!


Which coaching modality do you practice?

I do not subscribe to a particular modality or method. Rather, my coaching is unique to me, because I will meet you on a very human level from where we start our journey forward together using the wisdom we both bring to the table. I started my spiritual journey with the 3 principles, but these days my experience seems to align closest with non-dualism.

What previous knowledge do I need to have?

You do not need any previous knowledge. Whatever level your understanding is, that is where we will begin our journey together. In order to receive results, you simply need to be present and open-minded. Everything else will follow naturally.

What is transformative coaching?

The aim of transformative coaching is to help you create massive change in a short amount time. It's about helping you find your own wisdom and your own unique answers by pealing back the layers of belief you hold that keep you running in circles.Once you see the truth of your existence, your behavior and results will automatically and effortlessly change. 

Can I talk to you before committing?

Absolutely, and I encourage that you do. Having a chance to talk before committing is vital because it gives us a chance to get a feeling for each other and whether we are a good fit for working together. Use the contact form to send me a message.

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